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Bible Fires

A Burning Bush

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | June 6, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

Moses was just an ordinary shepherd in a pasture when God appeared to him in a burning bush and declared that he was standing on was holy ground. Moses discovered God and the plan for his ministry. When we do the will of God, we are walking on holy ground.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Moses was an ordinary shepherd taking care of sheep in a pasture when God appeared to him in a burning bush.

God declared that the ground Moses was standing on was holy ground.

We don’t see things the way God sees them.

We walk on holy ground when we are following God.

Doing the will of God leads us into the path of God, and the path of God is holy ground.

We should live a life that shows we live on God’s holy ground.

Moses made three discoveries that allowed him to walk on holy ground.

  • Moses discovered God.
    • In the Old Testament God often revealed Himself by fire.
    • Before God could use Moses, He had to reveal Himself to Moses.
    • Learning about God is one of the greatest things we can ever learn.
    • Moses learned that God is living, holy, gracious, concerned, and powerful.
    • When the holiness of God gets a hold of something, it consumes it.
  • Moses discovered himself.
    • Moses’ heart and head wanted to help the Jewish people escape Egypt, but his hands weren’t prepared.
    • The greatest victories and blessings in life come when God uses our hands and His power goes to work.
    • God wants to use us even when we think we don’t have anything to offer.
    • God’s will will not take you where His grace cannot keep you and His power cannot use you.
    • No one is too weak or small for God to use.
  • Moses discovered his people.
    • Israel was the least of the nations, but God loved them and gave them His glory.
    • Our work is worthwhile when we are working to serve the people of God.

Have you met the Lord and discovered the will God has for your life?

Tell us why you valued this sermon.
