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Post-Election Reflections: A Christian Response to Political Outcomes

By Rev. Philip Miller

In the wake of the election results, how should Christians respond?  Pastor Philip Miller shares three vital reflections for Christians: prioritizing our ultimate trust in God, upholding our responsibility to pray, and nurturing unity within the family of God. During this political season, let’s keep our eyes on Jesus. 

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The Role of the Church in a Second Trump Presidency

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

The election is over, but divisions remain in our churches and in our families. How can we as evangelicals be unified and have a credible witness to the Gospel before the watching world? Pastor Lutzer shares four key steps to start us in the right direction.

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Pastor Philip's Prayer for the 2024 Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization

By Rev. Philip Miller

Pastor Philip Miller joins the North American delegation for the Fourth Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization hosted in Seoul, South Korea. In 1974, Billy Graham and John Stott initiated the first gathering in Lausanne, Switzerland. This is the fourth gathering, with a focus on the next quarter century as a biblically faithful global church. Pastor Philip requests prayers for the conference. 

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A Tribute to Dr. George Sweeting

By None

In memoriam, Pastors Erwin Lutzer and Philip Miller express their gratefulness for Dr. George Sweeting's influence on their lives and his legacy of faithful ministry.

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The Roots and Weeds of Narcissism: Lynn Roush and Pastor Lutzer

By Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Dr. Erwin Lutzer was recently interviewed by Lynn Roush, LPC on the topic of narcissism—what narcissism is and how to spot it. They discuss narcissism from a psychological and biblical perspective that provides clarity and crucial information if we find ourselves entangled with a difficult person in our lives. 

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