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Resources About Same-Sex Marriage

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The biblical view on same-sex relationships, the current controversy over same-sex marriage, and the impact it will have on the church.

Blog Post

Response to Indiana's Religious Freedom Bill

So, what’s next? With stunning rapidity, the United States as we once knew it is gone; every day another domino falls to the liberal agenda. The LGBT community has proven that their convictions trump religious freedom and clearly they have veto power over laws they do not favor. They can also block the appointment of any CEO that gives the slightest hint that they believe in traditional marriage (you do remember how CEO Brendan Eich resigned under pressure because eight years earlier he had given $1,000 to proposition #8 in California that opposed same-sex marriage). If you have been following … Read More >

Blog Post

A Time for Tears

The decision of the Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage in all fifty states is not only a direct violation of Scripture, but is contrary to natural law. This decision will accelerate the disintegration of the family, the sexual confusion of our children, and our continuing descent into moral bankruptcy. Make no mistake: the battle for freedom of religion will now shift into high gear. Churches that staunchly refuse to marry gay couples will be targeted. Our right for tax exemption will be challenged; the use of our facilities for same-sex weddings will eventually become mandatory. God was grieved with … Read More >

Blog Post

These Are Spiritual Issues

So, it has come to this. Five pastors were ordered by the openly lesbian mayor of Houston, Annise Parker, to turn over their sermon notes, or at least the notes and emails they used when the opposed a so-called “Bathroom Ordinance” that would allow men to use women’s bathrooms. The mayor claimed that they were using their pulpits for political activity. Obviously, this is an incredible overreach intended to intimidate pastors who refuse to bow to the homosexual agenda for America, which includes not just same-sex marriage but an attack against creation itself by destroying gender identity altogether. Certainly this … Read More >
