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Resources About Occult Practices

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The Moody Church's theological position on occult practices, including, but not limited to: séances, palm readings, table-lifting, auto-writing, divining rods/pendulums, and Ouija boards.

Sermon Series

Seven Snares Of The Enemy

Many people struggle with secrets—secrets that destroy their souls. These messages not only diagnose the problem they also give a prescription for those who seek hope and healing. Here is a positive hope that life can be different; God stands by to help us with our struggles.


Judging Neo-Paganism

Satan will give us what we want as long as he eventually gets what he wants.

Sermon Series

The New Age Movement

Looking for the dawning of an age of peace and harmony, followers of the New Age Movement have become awakened to a spiritual mix of reincarnation, astrology, transcendental meditation, visualization, harmonic convergence, and other mind-expanding philosophies. How should the Christian respond? In these messages, Pastor Lutzer addresses this dangerous spiritual …

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