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October 1908 Heart to Heart Talk

By A.C. Dixon, D.D.

If you have ever climbed a high mountain, you remember that you started in the shadow of trees at the base, where there was little or no outlook. You could see a few hundred yards around you; but after a while you rose above the tops of the trees and looked out upon a beautiful landscape. As you climbed higher, the fields and the running streams appeared, but you could see only one-half of the horizon, the other half was shut off by the mountain. But when you reached the top, you found yourself in a great circular room, bounded …

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August 1908 Heart to Heart Talk

By A.C. Dixon, D.D.

There is great danger that the good may exclude the best. If Satan can keep us so busy doing good that we neglect to pray, he is satisfied. He can counteract our good works, but he cannot counteract our prayers, for God works in answer to prayer. If a prayer meeting is filled with talk, though it be good talk, Satan is pleased. His birds of the air are ready to pick up the good seed and much of it falls on stony ground or among thorns to be choked, but when the hour is filled with genuine prayer, Satan …

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June 1908 Heart to Heart Talk

By A.C. Dixon, D.D.

The time for open air work has come. Are you ready for it? The Bible you love is an open air book. The great revival under Ezra began in the open air, as from his pulpit of wood he read the Scriptures and expounded their meaning. The angels gave a snatch of heaven’s music and announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds in the open air. Christ preached His greatest sermon in the open air and proclaimed the gospel to the woman by Jacob’s well in the open air. Most of His miracles and teaching took place in the …

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