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Looking In The Wrong Place

By Dr. Vance Havner

“Why seek ye the living among the dead?”—Luke 24:5

It is quite characteristic of weak, doubting human nature that the women who had heard the Lord Jesus declare that He would rise on the third day should come to the sepulcher bringing spices for the dead instead of approaching the grave in high expectation to see the living. On the very day He had promised to return from the dead, they came to honor a corpse instead of to greet a Conqueror!

So forgetful of His promise were they that the angels must call it to their attention (Luke 24:5-8). …

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The Price And Privilege Of Discipleship

By Dr. Alan Redpath

Notes of a message given on Sunday morning, by Pastor Alan Redpath on September 11, 1955.

We have seen in the Beatitudes, the genuine Christian—the true citizen of the Kingdom—growing into maturity. We have seen him as he is in his own consciousness, in his own longings, and what he can become by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. We have also seen the resultant impact such a life will have upon the world.

Some say our text is the 8th Beatitude completing the Octave. Others see it in a different light. Up to this point it has been …

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The Woman Who Was Found Out

By Dr. Alan Redpath

In the fourth chapter of John’s Gospel we are treading on familiar ground. I don’t suppose there are many people who haven’t at one time or another received encouragement and blessing, and at the same time, a great challenge from this portion of God’s Word. But like everything else in the Word of God, you never exhaust it.

Of course, if you stand back from it and look at it as a whole, you will be impressed with the fact that this story pictures one of the greatest facts of the whole Bible. Have you ever stopped for a moment …

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