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Suffering For Our Faith In Christ

By Erwin W. Lutzer

Faith At The Breaking Point: Following Christ is costly, but rewarding...are you ready?

How would you react if you were threatened by persecution—especially if you knew friends who were martyred because of their faith in Christ? It’s likely none of us will face that kind of persecution...but we might be banned or blocked on social media; we might lose our jobs because we refuse to celebrate the LGBTQ lifestyle; or we might be shunned by coworkers because we refuse to accept our company’s radical diversity policies. I recently spoke with an attorney who’s defending the rights of two women who …

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By Henry D. Campbell

Many of the Friendship Club members know the easy way in but some of you do not know how readily you may get out of despondency. As a young Christian you came up against a devilish thing; devilish because Satan is the father of it,—discouragement. Do you not remember the delightful experiences of the first days of your Christian life? You were on the mountain top after coming out of the pit and miry clay of the past. The Bible was sweet. You ate it and relished it, and prayer was a great pleasure. To talk with people about their …

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The Summation Of Pauline Counsel

By Dr. S. Franklin Logsdon

“Finally, my brethren...”—Ephesians 6:10

When Paul employed a prefatory “finally,” it did not necessarily denote the end of a series, the climax of an argument or the termination of an address. It was the keynote to a Spirit-inspired appeal.

Plea For The Propagation Of Truth

“Finally, brethren, pray for us that the Lord’s word may spread rapidly and be extolled as it was among you.” These pioneer “seed-sowers” were propelled in their onward course by the breath of prayer. The reinforcement they desired for each new offensive was not so much the presence of more soldiers in the field as …

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Rest In Christ

By E.B. Pratt, D.D.

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”—Matthew 11:29

I want to speak to you from a very old text. I had thought at one time of bringing another message, but the message that is upon my heart now is in the Scripture lesson. I do not know just when it was, the time of our text, but I think it was about evening time and the sun was retiring behind the gray fleeciness of eventide. Jesus was preaching in the open …

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Power For Service

By Dr. Alan Redpath

“Thus saith the Lord of hosts, If thou wilt walk in my way, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my court; and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by.”—Zechariah 3:7

The Revised Version of the last phrase reads thus: I will keep thee a place of access among those that stand by.”

How we need to grow in the understanding of the Word of God! The real Christian life, the Christ-like life, is that which is grasping constantly, day by day, by the …

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The Icon Of Tolerance

By Erwin W. Lutzer

There’s One Thing Modern Tolerance Will Not Permit...

To hear some people talk, you’d think that sin no longer exists in our society; but if there were one sin left, it would be intolerance. Once a person is branded intolerant, nothing else need be said. They are bigoted and need to be shunned.

But let’s examine some of the definitions of this word tolerance closely.

Legal tolerance is the basic right of everyone to believe whatever they choose to believe and say whatever they want to say. This kind of tolerance means we have freedom to worship or not worship, …

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Accused But Vindicated

By Dr. Alan Redpath

“He shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.”—Zechariah 3:1

The immediate purpose of this vision given to the prophet is not hard to discover. Joshua, the priest in tattered garments is a picture of the Jewish people in their distress following the many years of captivity. He is ministering before the Lord in robes unfitted for his work. The old adversary of God’s people, the devil, chooses that moment to resist them and seeks to turn away God’s favor from them, but that same …

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Short Talks By The Pastor

By Rev. Paul Rader

Pigeons And Crowds

There was one exhibit at the San Diego Fair which no one could pass unnoticed. Pigeons, pigeons, pigeons, hundreds upon hundreds gathered in the great open court. You would naturally wonder why they stayed so closely to a certain center and had become so tame, until you made your way to them and found the man on the stool in their midst dressed in Spanish costume selling wheat and chopped corn at five cents the sack. You, of course, bought a sack, and immediately you were covered with pigeons: there were three on your hat, two on …

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Sacrificial Heart Of Missions

By Dr. R.H. Glover

Annual Missionary Sermon Delivered April 15, 1923 by Dr. R.H. Glover.

“Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone, but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit.”—John 12:20–33

The incident that called forth these words of our blessed Master occurred early in that last and eventful week of His earthly life which has become known as Passion Week. The immediate occasion was the coming of certain Greeks with the request for an interview with Jesus. By this term Greek we are not to understand merely foreign born Jews. These were heathen who had …

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Direction Decides Destiny

By Dr. Alan Redpath

The key verse of this passage is 1 Corinthians 1:18 in which there is a change of tense in the R.V.: “For the preaching of the cross is to them that are perishing foolishness; but unto us that are being saved, it is the power of God.”

1. The Two Conditions

Here Paul highlights for us two contrasting experiences of life: being saved and perishing. Neither of them is static, and both suggest movement, a journey, a pilgrimage. Both of them, however, are inclusive of the experiences of us all, and the category to which each one of us belongs …

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