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What’s Your Name?

By Rev. George Duncan

Sermon preached by Rev. George Duncan from London, England in The Moody Church on March 16, 1958.

“Thy name shall be called no more Jacob.”—Genesis 32:28

I want to think out with you this fact—that there comes a time in God’s dealings with His own people when God says in effect, “It is time that we called a halt,” and that was what happened to Jacob that night. There had come a moment in his life when God said in effect, “Jacob, something has got to stop. We can’t go on any longer as we are,” and it may be …

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Greetings From London

By Billy Graham

I wish to convey greeting to all who are gathered in the name of our Lord Jesus for the great annual Missionary Convention of the Moody Memorial Church [sic]. I wish to convey special greeting to the pastor of that great church, who, but a short time ago, ministered in one of London’s live churches. I believe that it is a special manifestation of spiritual concern that has brought you together again this year in the interest of world missions. Surely this is the spiritual outreach of a church that is led by the Spirit of God.

Although we are, …

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The Place Of Places

By Dr. S. Franklin Logsdon

“He hath poured out his soul unto death.”—Isaiah 53:12

It was the Master, not the malefactors, who made Calvary immortal and inimitable. And, in thinking of the Cross, we have in mind primarily the accomplishment of the Saviour. The Father now pours out His blessings because the Son then poured out His soul. The thought of lingering at Calvary is but a suggestion for the grateful heart to ponder more prayerfully and to think more seriously upon the fact of our Lord’s sacrificial work. Perhaps no other spiritual exercise is so productive of deep and abounding gratitude.

Since the Cross …

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Victory Through The Cross

By Rev. Stanley Plunkett

Missionary Rally message from 1954 by Rev. Stanley Plunkett

It is computed that there are two million, 200 thousand people who are yet without Christ. Why? Is it because the Gospel is not adequate to so wide a program? No, I believe that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth. Then why? Is it because we who are entrusted with the Gospel have failed? I think there is a great element of truth in that.

My dear friends, if you and I are going to see a large and abundant harvest over the face …

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The Man God Uses

By Dr. Alan Redpath

“Have I not commanded thee, Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”—Joshua 1:9

We have been thinking about the inner meaning of this book of Joshua. The command of God was, “Go over this Jordan, thou and this people, into the land which I have given thee.” This opened up before us the possibility of life on a higher plane, deliverance from a wilderness experience of defeat into the experience of victory, even though it be through warfare and conflict.

As we …

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The Beginning Of Wisdom

By Dr. Bruce W. Dunn

Many years ago Great Britain had the privilege of having as its Prime Minister a brilliant man who was also a devoted follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. William Gladstone was his name. Late in life, well over 80 years of age, he made his last visit to Oxford University. In the course of that visit, he met with a class of seniors, and spoke to them about the happy changes that had come about during his lifetime. He spoke with such radiant optimism that he aroused a challenge among the students. One of the seniors spoke up and said, …

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A Troubled Borrower

By Rev. Paul Rader

“But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water; and he cried, and said, Alas, master! For it was borrowed.” —2 Kings 6:5

Elisha was at the head of a school of the young sons of the prophets at Gilgal, and this chapter records a theological lesson given to the theological students.

The students in this school said, “Behold, now, the place where we dwell with thee is too strait for us, Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, and take thence every man a beam, and let us make us a place there, …

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The H-Bomb And The Battle Of Armageddon

By Pastor R.S. Beal, D.D.

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:25–28). Our …

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The Potency Of Prayer

By Dr. Howard Taylor

Address delivered at the Missionary Rally at The Moody Church in April 1923 by Dr. Howard Taylor.

Before reading the Scripture, I should like to mention a fact that may possibly be unknown to some who are present. That beloved and wonderful man of God, the late D.L. Moody, was the one to support the first American member of the China Inland Mission who went out from Northfield in 1888. It is, therefore, a special privilege to me to meet this great gathering in this church founded by and named after that mighty man of God.

Let us now read …

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The Shepherd Psalm

By Author Unknown

We are thinking about Psalm 23 in the context of a day in the life of a sheep. In the first verse we see the early start the sheep made; then a pause in the heat of the day. Now the sheep is again on the move as we consider the last part of verse three: “He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

The sheep has just been having a rest, lying down, enjoying still waters and the restoration of quiet in the middle of the day. There is a need for that in the …

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