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The King Is Coming [Study Guide]

The King Is Coming [Study Guide]

Ten Events That Will Change Our Future Forever

Price: $8.00

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THE END IS NEAR. These words can be a wake-up call or a comfort - insane rambling or sensible presentation of truth. While acknowledging that what is yet to come for the world is beyond the scope of our wildest projections, respected pastor and scholar Erwin Lutzer reminds us that we have not been left completely in the dark. There is much we can know.

Split into 10 easily managed sections, this study guide companion to the book The King is Coming will help participants explore and discover what comes net. With summary questions, discussion points, and personal reflection, this guide empowers and instructs on how to live accordingly in the here and now.

The King is Coming DVD is intended to be used alongside this guide, providing accompanying teachings by Pastor Lutzer for a full small group experience as participants begin to explore the end.

Read an excerpt.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
August 1, 2014
Original Sermon Series: 
The King Is Coming