How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God
Price: $24.00
Is it possible to know in this life where you will spend eternity? Many who expect to enter heaven will be disappointed, discovering too late that they were mistaken. In this series Pastor Lutzer explains grace and assurance, along with justification and the new birth. He insists that assurance can be ours through faith in the promises and the witness of the Holy Spirit. These messages are not simply intended for those who have not received Christ as Savior but also for those who have believed, but struggle with doubts and are looking for the assurance they seek.
- Teacher:
- Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
- Location:
- The Moody Church
- Number of Sermons:
- 6
- Number of Discs:
- 3
- Year Preached:
- 1994
- Original Sermon Series:
- How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God