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Where Do We Go From Here?

Where Do We Go From Here?

Hope and Direction for Our Present Crisis

Price: $3.00

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  • Single Sermon CD
  • Paperback

The America you thought you knew is gone. We are a nation following our leaders willingly into economic, moral, and political decline. No longer is our country based on godly principles and morality. What are Christians to do?

Erwin Lutzer offers hope and a challenge to Christians. It is not time to despair even as you face these difficult realities. Two thousand years of church history are behind us to show that the church does not need freedom or ease to be faithful. God's work, His calling on His people, can be fulfilled no matter what.

In this succinct book, Dr. Lutzer calls Christians to be agents of change in these increasingly secular times, and he offers hope and direction. As the nation changes, Christians are called to change too, to be faithful ambassadors for Christ in a country that cares little for Him.

Read an excerpt.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
January 16, 2013