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The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage

The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage

Six Things You Must Know About What's Really at Stake

Price: $11.00

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  • Paperback

From the clamor of the evening news to the hush of a judge's courtroom, there is a battle raging for marriage. The implications for society are profound. Yet many people of faith are confused, asking: Is it really that big of a deal? Dr. Erwin Lutzer pulls no punches. The spread of same-sex marriage is a deep and dangerous threat and the church MUST act, in love and in truth. Lutzer sorts truth from spin and takes on some tough questions, such as:

  • How did we get to this point?
  • Why is marriage as God intended better - and healthier?
  • How can I talk to my kids about this?

Read an excerpt.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
January 1, 2004
Original Sermon Series: 
The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage


  1. The Church Must Speak
  2. We Must Consult The Designer's Manual
  3. We Must Remember The Children
  4. We Must Resist The Pressure
  5. We Must Act Now
  6. We Must Seek God