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No Reason To Hide

No Reason To Hide

Standing For Christ In A Collapsing Culture

Price: $18.00

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  • Paperback

In a culture with an ever-narrowing definition of tolerance, Christians can no longer stay silent about the divide between the Bible’s truth and the world’s lies. In No Reason To Hide Pastor Erwin Lutzer examines the toxic roots behind the alarming symptoms of a nation in spiritual freefall—and why your faith must empower you to engage rather than hide.

As you read, you’ll be equipped to defend your biblical beliefs with confidence and compassion. You’ll also identify how you can respond to the battleground issues of today including:

  • Identity-driven social justice ideologies that seek to divide rather than unite
  • Cultural attacks on the definitions of sex and gender that turn language into a war
  • Progressive pushes within the church that ultimately desecrate the Bible’s teachings

A call for believers to stand firm in today’s oppressive world, No Reason To Hide is a rallying reminder that will ready Christians everywhere to have the courage to proclaim Scripture’s truth to a culture in desperate need of what only God can offer.

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Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
September 6, 2022


  1. Surrender, Sink, or Swim
  2. Will We Be Intimidated by Collective Demonization?
  3. Will We Expose the Greatest Lie That Is Our Nation's Most Cherished Delusion?
  4. Will We Encourage Unity or Create Division by Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
  5. Can We Take Steps to Move Beyond Our History of Racism, Stolen Land, and Collective Guilt?
  6. Will We Be Decieved by the Language Used by the Propagandists?
  7. Will We Compromise with the Christian Left?
  8. Will We Oppose the Fiction of a Gender-Neutral Society?
  9. Will Our Children Be Indoctrinated by the Enemy?
  10. Will We Submit to the Great Global Reset?
  11. Will We Accept the Blessing of Gospel-Centered Suffering?
  12. Epilogue: Jesus Teaches Us How to Run Successfully All the Way to the Finish Line