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Living With Your Passions

Living With Your Passions

Price: $14.00

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  • Paperback

How To Experience Sexual Wholeness

In a hyper-sexualized culture, sex is either reduced to pleasure-seeking or conflated with our identity. But God designed us as sexual beings for emotional and spiritual intimacy, whose highest calling is to worship Him. In this revised edition, Pastor Erwin Lutzer draws on forty years of ministry experience to present a biblical basis for sexual purity. He provides compassionate answers to the sexual pressures all of us must face.

• Count the cost of extramarital relationships.
• Gain a proper perspective on self-gratification.
• Find hope for same-sex attraction.
• Resist compulsive obsessions.
• Restore emotional wholeness.

As desire-driven creatures, we don't have to pursue happiness at the expense of character. With our identity grounded in Christ, we can live victoriously with our passions.

Read an Excerpt.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
April 5, 2024


  1. The Battle With Passions
  2. The Consequences Of Sexual Sin
  3. Why Shouldn't I?
  4. Yes, But...
  5. I'll Take My Chances
  6. But, I Can't Let Her Go
  7. Is It Okay If I Do It By Myself?
  8. My Friend, The Homosexual
  9. The First Step To Freedom
  10. Christ Can Change Us
  11. We Can Control Our Thoughts
  12. Resisting Satan's Strategies
  13. Emotional Healing
  14. Facing Tomorrow