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Holy Living In An Unholy World

Holy Living In An Unholy World

Balancing Love, Law, and Grace

Price: $17.00

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  • Paperback

How does a Christian live a holy life in this world?

It’s actually simple: Return to the basic principles of Scripture and you will return to the living God. In Holy Living in an Unholy World, Pastor Lutzer explains that “the Christian life is more than conformity to a given behavior pattern; it is more than a life lived by sheer willpower. It is a radical transformation from the inside out.” With the world system excluding God, how should Christians rearrange their priorities?

This book calls you to a committed, personal Christianity. You'll develop a heart for doctrinal and moral purity in finances, fashion, technology, and other areas of life. It challenges you to rise above legalistic “religion” to pursue God’s will by balancing His love, law, and grace.

Read an excerpt.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
March 17, 2023


  1. You In The World
  2. The World: A Puzzle With Four Pieces
  3. Contact Without Contamination
  4. Those Shortcuts To Evangelism
  5. Taking Your Spiritual Temperature
  6. Resolving Our Differences
  7. Those Don’ts And Dos
  8. How Dollars Can Make Sense
  9. Modern Fig Leaves
  10. Guard Your Heart
  11. The Tensions Of Doctrine
  12. God’s Compass Points Up
  13. The Axe Put To The Root Of The Tree
  14. So What If I Am Worldly?