Is God On America's Side?
The Surprising Answer and How It Affects Our Future
Price: $8.00
Dr. Lutzer thoughtfully navigates the current political climate against the backdrop of biblical history to probe God's role in the affairs of nations - today's United States in particular. He challenges you to consider statements such as:
- Sometimes God's judgment blots out the light of the gospel
- It's not our responsibility to "take our country back"
- Our defense of civil religion makes news, but our proclamation of the gospel does not
Provocative questions for individual reflection or group discussion complete each chapter of the book. And his answer to the most provocative question of all - is God on Amerca's side? - may surprise you. This book will not advise you how to vote in the election - but it will help you represent God's interests regardless of who wins.
Read an excerpt.
- Number of Pages:
- 112
- Date Published:
- January 1, 2009
- Original Sermon Series:
- Is God On America's Side?
- The First Principle: God Can Both Bless And Curse A Nation
- The Second Principle: God Judges Nations Based On The Amount Of Light And Opportunity They Are Given
- The Third Principle: God Sometimes Uses Exceedingly Evil Nations To Judge Those That Are Less Evil
- The Fourth Principle: When God Judges A Nation, The Righteous Suffer With The Wicked
- The Fifth Principle: God's Judgments Take Various Forms
- The Sixth Principle: In Judgment, God's Target Is Often His People, Not Just The Pagans Among Them
- The Seventh Principle: God Sometimes Reverses Intended Judgments
- Whose Side Is God On?
- Siding With God In Our National Life
- Winning Even When We Lose