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The Doctrines That Divide

The Doctrines That Divide

A Fresh Look at the Historic Doctrines That Separate Christians

Price: $18.00

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  • Paperback

Doctrine is a vital part of the Christian faith, but certain doctrinal beliefs have divided the church for centuries. Well-known pastor and author Erwin Lutzer examines various theological disagreements that exist within the broad spectrum of Christianity, presenting the historical background of each issue and the biblical understanding of each doctrine.

Today when many are calling for unity by glossing over major theological differences, Lutzer revisits those differences and shows not only how the divisions came about but also why such divisions were necessary. The Doctrines That Divide provides a non-combative look at hot button issues in the church.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
December 4, 2005


  1. Is Christ Truly God?
  2. Is Christ Truly Man?
  3. Was Mary The Mother Of God?
  4. Was Peter The First Pope?
  5. Justification: By Faith, Sacraments, Or Both?
  6. Why Can't We Agree About The Lord's Supper?
  7. Why Can't We Agree About Baptism?
  8. How Many Books Are in The Bible?
  9. Predestination Or Free Will: Augustine v. Pelagius
  10. Predestination Or Free Will: Luther v. Erasmus
  11. Predestination Or Free Will: Calvin v. Arminius
  12. Predestination Or Free Will: Whitefield v. Wesley
  13. Can A Saved Person Ever Be Lost?