Cries From The Cross
A Journey into the Heart of Jesus
Price: $14.00
The cross is widely misunderstood in the present day; many in the world are deeply offended by its powerful truth. Erwin Lutzer, pastor of The Moody Church, gently leads readers on a journey into the heart of Christ to help them grasp what Christ Himself wants us to know. Jesus was not silent on the cross. Come turn your attention to His cries and be utterly changed.
Before the cross we can only stand with bowed heads and a broken spirit. It is there that we see the attributes of God on display, and if we look carefully, we will see ourselves, with all our needs, sins and self-deceptions.
“The crucifixion of Jesus Christ brings us face to face with two seemingly contrary attributes of God—His love and His wrath, with two seemingly contradictory doctrines—the sovereignty of God and the free will of man. Once we understand Calvary, we can understand what it is to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Him. This is a work we should all read.” KAY ARTHUR, Precept Ministries
“Erwin Lutzer has a unique ability to make complex doctrinal issues crystal clear. In Cries from the Cross he explains the very heart of the Christian message, making it wonderfully clear in both its transcendent mystery and resplendent glory. JOHN H. ARMSTRONG, President, Reformation and Revival Ministries
“With his unique insights and careful devotion to the text, Erwin Lutzer takes us deep into the mysteries of the incarnation, no more powerfully revealed than in our Lord’s seven statements from the cross. This is not just compelling reading; this is divinely profound truth.” JOHN MACARTHUR, Grace Community Church
“Cries from the Cross is truly a journey into the heart of Jesus. It has always been difficult for me to read the words of Jesus from the cross without being overwhelmed by the great love He expressed in His dying moments. You owe it to yourself to read it. Your devotional life will never be the same!” DR. DAVID JEREMIAH, Senior Pastor Shadow Mountain Community Church
Read an excerpt.
- Number of Pages:
- 136
- Date Published:
- May 1, 2015
- Original Sermon Series:
- Cries From The Cross
- A Cry For Pardon
- A Cry Of Assurance
- A Cry Of Compassion
- A Cry Of Anguish
- A Cry Of Suffering
- A Cry Of Victory
- A Cry Of Submission