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Chiseled By The Master's Hand

Chiseled By The Master's Hand

Lessons from the Life of Peter

Price: $14.00

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  • CD Series
  • Paperback

Do you ever feel frustrated by the seemingly slow progress of your spiritual growth? The rough edges of life don't seem to get smoothed out, and surely God Himself must be frustrated by the failures and mistakes we continue to make.

Pastor Lutzer explores Peter's life to demonstrate how God works through the challenges and trials of life to chisel and fashion Christians into Christ's likeness. As you see how Christ changed Peter from fisherman to apostle, you'll learn how the Savior can:

  • motivate changes in your character
  • encourage and develop your faith
  • teach important lessons through past mistakes

Chiseled by the Master's Hand will encourage and strengthen you in your walk with Christ.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
January 1, 2013
Original Sermon Series: 
Chiseled By The Master's Hand


  1. Meeting The Master
  2. Surprised By A Miracle
  3. While Walking On Water, He Sank
  4. Nowhere Else To Go
  5. Thou Art The Christ
  6. The High Cost Of Avoiding The Cross
  7. One With The Sovereign Master
  8. The Master's Humble Touch
  9. From Regret To Restoration
  10. Strengthened By The Master's Grip
  11. The Trace Of His Shadow
  12. Kept In The Master's Hand