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Prepare Your Heart For An Uncertain Future

Prepare Your Heart For An Uncertain Future

Final Words Of Warning And Comfort From Jesus To His Followers

  • Author: Erwin W. Lutzer
  • Format: Paperback Book

Price: $17.00

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  • Paperback

In this fearful, broken world, what’s the state of your heart?

Even amid the world's instabilities, we can hang onto every word of Jesus. In this book, Pastor Lutzer shares keen insights from Jesus' final words in the Upper Room to His followers. Facing the cross and knowing the fear in His disciples’ hearts, Jesus reminded them—and us—that He is in control.

Jesus knows the challenges we will face, but He gives us promises of lasting hope. If you want to nurture true intimacy with God and impact the world around you, discover 12 traits of a heart that is well-equipped for the pressures of today.

Read an excerpt.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
March 23, 2022
Original Sermon Series: 
When Jesus Has Your Heart


  1. Getting And Keeping A Clean Heart
  2. Establishing A Calm Heart
  3. Nurturing A Praying Heart
  4. Developing A Courageous Heart
  5. Sustaining A Joyful Heart
  6. Maintaining A Caring Heart
  7. Accepting A Persecuted Heart
  8. Cultivating A Witnessing Heart
  9. Seeking A Discerning Heart
  10. Finding A Fulfilled Heart
  11. Keeping A Separated Heart
  12. Preserving A Committed Heart