Fighting For Your Family 2013 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Today's families need direction, hope, and encouragement. This series is intended to counter enemies of the home, such as the conflict of roles, addictions, entertainment, and more. Best of all, …
Guard Your Heart 2013 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer The explosion of technology has come with a host of challenges for both parents and children. Addictions to video games, pornography, and yes, even social media are becoming common in …
Light Shining In Darkness 2009 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer The book of Acts shows us the light of the Gospel confronting the pagan culture of the day. This is especially clear in the courage and relentless passion of Paul …
How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity With God 1994 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Is it possible to know in this life where you will spend eternity? Many who expect to enter heaven will be disappointed, discovering too late that they were mistaken. In …
Changed By The Word 2015 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer The Word of God changes the hearts of those who meditate on its teachings and are open to its instructions. It purifies us, comforts us, and strengthens us. It’s our …
Practicing The Compassion Of Jesus 2013 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer The world is filled with lost and hurt people. In this pair of sermons, the compassion of Christ is unveiled toward the troubled and marginalized. Pastor Lutzer challenges us by …
God's Devil 1995 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Lucifer, whose name means "Shining One," was the highest and most beautiful of God's angelic creation. However, because of his limited knowledge and power, his choice to become independent had …
You Can't Redo Life 2011 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer The parables of Jesus are ordinary stories with extra-ordinary lessons that expose the superficiality of our faith and values. Jesus—with a penetrating understanding of human nature—shows us the foolishness of …
The Disciplines Of The Soul 2003 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer If we wish to walk with God, we must get beyond good intentions. This series of messages explains practical steps on how to live from within, developing a growing relationship …
The Mysteries Of God 2015 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Throughout the Scriptures, God reveals Himself—His attributes are on display all around us. In this series, Pastor Erwin Lutzer takes us on a tour filled with mysteries and questions. We …
Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust The Bible 1997 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Since the Bible is a book bearing the marks of both human and divine authorship, it has fascinated readers for centuries. Are there good reasons to accept it as a …
Christians, Politics, And The Cross 1996 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Throughout its turbulent history, the Church has often been diverted from its primary mission. The lure of taking side-roads is tempting, especially in the face of a degenerating culture. We …