The New Age Movement 1987 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Looking for the dawning of an age of peace and harmony, followers of the New Age Movement have become awakened to a spiritual mix of reincarnation, astrology, transcendental meditation, visualization, …
Mary's Challenge 2008 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Have you ever considered how difficult it would be to raise Jesus? In this two part series, Dr. Erwin Lutzer depicts the struggles and strengths of Mary, from the nativity …
Managing God's Gifts 2000 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Ever wonder why we have been left on planet Earth? One reason is so that we can manage God's gifts. He has given us time, talents, and treasures for which …
Jesus, Lover Of A Woman's Soul 2004 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Jesus was not a feminist in the contemporary sense of the word, but He was ahead of His times in elevating and encouraging women. Rumors that He was married to …
Is God On America's Side? 2007 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Navigate the political climate against the backdrop of biblical history to probe God's role in the affairs of nations—today's United States in particular. Consider statements such as: Sometimes God's judgment …
In The Divine Presence 2008 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Through two sermons, Pastor Lutzer unveils the many faces of God in the Scriptures. The wrathful face of God on Mount Sinai will challenge you. The mysterious withholding of God’s …
Growing Through Conflict 1997 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Conflict is often thought of as being only negative. However, it can actually be the environment where God's faithfulness is best demonstrated to us. In this series, Pastor Lutzer shares …
Great Cities Of The Bible 1991 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Ever since man built the first city, our urban areas have been plagued with problems. In studying the great cities of the Bible we are confronted with both God’s mercy …
The Good Shepherd 1995 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer The ever-present care of the Good Shepherd provides peace and hope to those who believe. Pastor Lutzer reminds us that through the darkest times of our lives, the Shepherd is …
God And The Nations 2003 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Terrorism. Famines. Assassinations. What does God have to do with the events we read about in our newspaper? This series of messages is intended to increase our faith in God's …
The Gifts You Can't Live Without 2007 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer God created us with needs, which if unmet, lead us to aimlessness and despair. But the good news is that we can, thanks to God's grace, become whole people despite …
Getting Started Right 2000 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer The Christian life is a series of new beginnings. Sometimes we must forget the past so that we can move to the next stage of our lives. In light of …