Selected highlights from this sermon
Romans 8 is a spiritual declaration of independence from judgment, defeat, discouragement, and fear. This spiritual liberty is only available to Christians and was purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. He died for us, lives in us, is coming back for us, and is interceding for us.
Have you claimed the wonderful freedoms Jesus offers?
Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.
To the Christian the word freedom goes much deeper than the world perceives it.
We have spiritual freedom through Jesus Christ.
Romans 8 is a spiritual declaration of independence.
You can only claim the rights of your citizenship. Christians have citizenship of heaven.
Four wonderful freedoms of Christians:
- Freedom from judgment (v 1-4).
- No condemnation!
- We measure ourselves by ourselves and other people, but God judges us by His righteousness.
- God sent His son to give us His righteousness.
- Our own righteousness is filthy rags in His sight.
- Freedom from defeat (5-17).
- No obligation!
- It is not necessary to live in sin.
- We are not obligated to live after the flesh.
- We have the Holy Spirit to help us not do bad things and enable us to do good things.
- Freedom from discouragement (v 18-30).
- No frustration!
- God’s glory will be revealed and it will outshine our suffering.
- Creation is under bondage to sin, and everything is falling apart.
- But as Christians we know what is coming.
- Freedom from fear (v 31-39).
- No separation!
- God is for us, not against us.
- Because of God’s love we have no need to fear the future.
Our liberty as a Christian was purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. He died for us, lives in us, is coming back for us, is interceding for us.
If we enjoyed these freedoms we would enjoy life a lot more.
Enjoy this freedom for His glory.