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Milestones With The Master

When God Was Born

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | February 13, 1977

Selected highlights from this sermon

If we don’t understand who Jesus is or what He did, we cannot understand the plan of salvation or how we can be saved. Keeping that in mind for this message, Pastor Wiersbe focuses on the birth of Jesus and why it was necessary to accomplish God’s purposes.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.


Eight experiences of Jesus on Earth: birth, baptism, temptation, transfiguration, presentation as king, death, resurrection, and ascension. 

Learning about these experiences will help us know more about the person and work of Jesus Christ.

If we don’t understand who Jesus is or what He did, we cannot understand the plan of salvation or how we can be saved.

Hebrews gives us the spiritual truths of Jesus’ birth.

Jesus took on a human body to fulfill certain divine purposes.

Four purposes Jesus fulfilled by taking on a human body:

-       Jesus took on a body to reveal God.

  • God is spirit, so He is invisible to the human eye.
  • We can know what God is like by hearing Jesus speak.
  • Jesus can reveal God as a man because Jesus is God.
  • Jesus entered the world in a body prepared by God.
  • The Bible becomes a new book to you when you realize that Jesus Christ is God and reveals God.
  • All of the history in the Old Testament is preparation for Jesus’ birth.
  • Jesus is the key to Old Testament prophecy and law.

-       Jesus took on a body to defeat Satan.

  • Jesus could not defeat death if He wasn’t human.
  • Satan brought sin into the world through the body of Adam, but Jesus defeated sin with His body.

-       Jesus took on a body to learn obedience.

  • Jesus learned obedience by suffering the same things as humans.
  • Jesus was perfect even in His humanity.
  • Jesus defeated Satan in His temptation as a man.
  • Jesus learned submission through the things He suffered.
  • As our high priest, Jesus can keep us from sinning because He learned obedience.

-       Jesus took on a body to die for sinners.

  • The sacrifices, priests, and Law of the Old Testament made nothing perfect.
  • Sacrifices did not bring the remission of sin but the remembrance of sin.
  • Jesus lived a perfect life and died a perfect death.
  • Jesus was one sacrifice for all sin forever.
  • We do not need to add anything to Jesus’ sacrifice.

Jesus has finished all of the work God gave Him to do on Earth.

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