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Milestones With The Master

His Resurrection

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | April 10, 1977

Scripture Reference: Psalms 2:7, Psalms 16:8—10, Psalms 110:1, John 10:17—18, Acts 2:22—35, Acts 13:32—35, Acts 17:30—31, Romans 1, Romans 4:23—25, Romans 6:4, Romans 8:34, Romans 14:9—11, 1 Corinthians 15:12—20

Selected highlights from this sermon

The greatest miracle the Lord performed on Earth was His own resurrection. Pastor Wiersbe explains the resurrection from historical, prophetic, and practical perspectives so that we can better know what it means for our lives. Let the resurrected Jesus be the Lord of your life so that you may think His way, speak His Word, hear His voice, walk in His will, do His work, share His love, and see His glory.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

The greatest miracle the Lord performed on Earth was His own resurrection.

Jesus rose from the dead never to die again.

The witness and walk of the church are bound together in the resurrection of Jesus.

We possess resurrection life and preach a Gospel of resurrection, so we better understand it.

Three viewpoints of the resurrection of Jesus that help us understand it:

-       Historical view: the facts of the resurrection.

  • The enemies of the Lord have always fought the truth of the resurrection.
  • The arguments against the resurrection aren’t logical.
  • The first lie about the resurrection is that Jesus’ body was stolen.
    • If Jesus’ friends took His body, how did they do it?
    • If Jesus’ enemies took His body, why did they do it?
  • The second lie about the resurrection is that the disciples only had vision about a risen Jesus.
    • The disciples did not expect to see Jesus, and when they did, they weren’t sure it was Him.
    • Over 500 people saw the resurrected Jesus at one time.
    • Saul (Paul) was converted by seeing the resurrected Lord Jesus.
  • The third lie about the resurrection is that the disciples went to the wrong tomb.
    • Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were at the tomb when Jesus died to prepare His body for burial.
  • The fourth lie about the resurrection is that Jesus merely swooned, He didn’t die on the cross.
    • Nobody came off of a Roman cross unless they were dead.
    • The Roman soldiers pierced Jesus’ side to make sure He was dead.
  • The historical evidence for the resurrection cannot be argued with.
  • The empty tomb and grave clothes, the changed behavior of the disciples, people giving their lives for Jesus, the growth of the church, and the conversion of sinners today is evidence of our risen, living Savior. 

-       Prophetic view: the resurrection according to Scripture.

  • The Old Testament Scriptures prophesied Jesus’ resurrection.
  • Old Testament prophecies are fulfilled in the New Testament.
    • Psalm 2:7 & Acts 13:32-33
    • Psalm 16:8-10 & Acts 13:34-35, Acts 2:22-32
    • Psalm 110:1 & Acts 2:34-35
  • There are types or pictures of the resurrection in the Old Testament.
    • The priest declaring lepers clean from leprosy.
    • Jonah was spit from the belly of the whale after being there for three days.

-       Practical view: what the resurrection means for our lives.

  • The resurrection means that Jesus is God (Romans 1).
  • The resurrection means that Jesus is the Savior (Romans 4:23-25).
  • Because we are justified in Christ, we know that God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice and Jesus has been raised from the dead.
  • The resurrection means that Jesus is the sanctifier (Romans 6:4).
  • The resurrection means that Jesus is the intercessor (Romans 8:34).
  • Jesus is our High Priest who keeps us from sinning, and He is our Advocate who forgives our sins and brings us back into fellowship with God.
  • The resurrection means that Jesus is Lord (Romans 14:9, 11).
  • Let Jesus be the Lord of your mind, tongue, ears, feet, hands, heart, and eyes so that you may think His way, speak His Word, hear His voice, walk in His will, do His work, share His love, and see His glory.
  • Make Jesus the Lord of your life
  • Jesus commands all people everywhere to repent of the sin of rejecting Christ and His resurrection (Acts 17:30-31).
  • If Jesus is not our Savior now, one day He will be our judge.

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