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He Puts Life Together

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | January 12, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

A person with integrity is someone who is not split mentally, morally, or emotionally. Everyone, including Christians, is susceptible to losing their integrity, but the Holy Spirit wants to work in us to transform our hearts, minds, bodies, and soul. Holiness in the life of the believer means the whole person is controlled by the glory of God.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.


A person with integrity is someone who is not split emotionally, spiritually, or mentally.

We as God’s people are not immune to losing our emotional, spiritual, or mental integrity and becoming double minded.

The Holy Spirit will never leave us.

Three considerations for maintaining integrity in the Holy Spirit:

-       Consider His name, who He is.

  • He is called the Holy Spirit.
  • He is part of the Trinity, one God in three persons.
  • Holy means set apart.
  • Holiness in the life of the believer involves the whole person—body, soul, and spirit.
  • The Spirit of God wants to work in our whole person.
  • The Holy Spirit wants our whole person to be controlled by the glory of God.

-       Consider His enemy, what He opposes.

  • The Holy Spirit opposes sin and flesh.
  • Our will, heart, and mind control our body.
  • Sin separates us from God, others, and ourselves.
  • Sometimes we use busyness, even busyness in the Lord’s work, to solve our problems.
  • Our consciousness must grow in the love and truth of God’s Word.
  • Biblical guilt shows us how good God is and leads to repentance

-       Consider His ministry, what He does.

  • When we are saved, the Holy Spirit becomes resident in our lives. When we submit to Him, He becomes Lord.
  • We must come to the place of permitting God to work in every part of our lives.
  • Our will is controlled by our mind and emotions, which should in turn be controlled by the Holy Spirit.
  • God overcomes sin in our lives not by taking away the ability to sin but by taking away the appetite to sin.
  • The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ to us so that we might love Him.
  • As we read the Word of God, the Holy Spirit shows us the Son of God and allows Him to renew our mind and heart.
  • When our minds and hearts are renewed, we can serve God willingly, with knowledge and love.
  • The Holy Spirit transforms that we might be conformed to the image of Jesus.

Being made holy by the Holy Spirit is a day by day process.

Our whole being—body, soul, and spirit—must be yielded to the Holy Spirit.


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