Selected highlights from this sermon
Pulling from Ephesians 1, Pastor Wiersbe shows us three essentials in our lives in order for us to not only know the will of God, but to do it—and do it for His glory. God’s will, after all, is designed to increase our faith, love, and knowledge of Him.
Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.
The Holy Spirit helps us determine and do the will of God.
Do you understand and do the will of God for His glory?
Don’t let following the will of God become a mechanical practice.
We determine the will of God by reading the Word of God, praying, watching circumstances, and watching your own heart.
The will of God is a living thing, and that is how it maintains balance.
The body of Christ compensates when one person isn’t following God’s will.
Three essentials for knowing and doing the will of God:
- Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:15)
- Faith is necessary for salvation and surrender.
- All unsaved people live for the vanity of this world.
- The unsaved cannot grasp or put to work the will of God.
- If you have trusted God to save you, have you trusted Him to direct you?
- God’s will for our lives is arranged to help us grow more and more in our faith in Christ.
- The will of God is designed to increase our faith.
- Love for all the saints (Ephesians 1:15)
- God has joined together faith in God and love for all believers.
- Christian love is not a sentimental feeling; it is an act of the will.
- If you’re in the will of God, you would be building others up, not tearing them down.
- Love means treating others the way God treats us.
- The will of God is designed to help us love each other more.
- Knowledge of God (Ephesians 1:17)
- Our knowledge of God should be growing and deepening.
- When we don’t know the will of God, we can’t grow in our knowledge of Him.
- Our future plans must fit into the blueprint of God’s will.
- Pray for the greatness of God to be revealed in our lives.
- The power that raised Jesus from the dead is available for our lives today.
- The will of God is designed to help us know God more.
The Holy Spirit wrote us a book to reveal the will of God to us: the Bible.
As we get to know God’s person, purpose, possession, and power better, we get to know the will of God.
Wisdom is taking our knowledge and applying it to life.
The will of God is a byproduct of a growing relationship with God by the Spirit through the Word.