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Make Your Life A Miracle

A Little Bird Told Him

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | November 28, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

When Peter denied Jesus, he did exactly what he said he would never do. How many times have we done the same?

Jesus used the crowing rooster to send a message of reassurance, repentance, and renewal to Peter—and to us as well.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Peter denied Jesus, exactly what he said he would not do.

How many times have we said we would or wouldn’t do something for the Lord but then did the opposite?

We do not know the deceitfulness of our own hearts.

Jesus used the crowing of the rooster to send a message to Peter.

Three messages in the crowing of the rooster that encourage us when we feel defeated and a failure:

  • The message of reassurance.
    • Jesus reminds Peter that Jesus is Lord, and He wants to be Lord of our lives.
    • Jesus has complete control over our lives.
    • Even when I am not faithful, He is always faithful.
  • The message of repentance.
    • Satan encourages us to sin.
    • Pride is always the beginning of trouble.
    • Peter resisted, argued with, and forgot God’s Word.
    • We hurt Jesus when we sin, but He still loves
  • The message of renewal.
    • The rooster announces the dawning of a new day.
    • Jesus offers us the chance of a new day in His light and forgiveness.

What are you going to do with the message of the crowing of the rooster?

Tell us why you valued this sermon.
