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John 17

The Greatest Future Ever Promised

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | June 12, 1977

Selected highlights from this sermon

At the end of His prayer in John 17, Jesus prayed for the unity of believers. If we have trusted Christ as our Savior, we are part of the same family.

Pastor Wiersbe challenges us to treat other believers as people in which God lives. All believers, after all, have the Holy Spirit indwelling them, so be mindful to love your brother or sister in Christ.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

We are believers today because someone was faithful to share the gospel.

Jesus’ prayer is about the unity of the people of God.

Uniformity comes from pressure on the outside, but unity is about life on the inside.

What can we do to strengthen the unity of believers?

Five spiritual bonds that all believers agree on:

-       We trust the same Savior.

  • We believe in the same Savior as the disciples and apostles.
  • If we have trusted Christ as our Savior, we are part of the same family.
  • What would the body of Christ look like if we focused on what we have in common rather than what we disagree on?

-       We share the same glory.

  • Jesus had to give up His glory in order to give us His glory.
  • We have the glory of God in us today.
  • We must treat other believers as people in which God lives.
  • If we were all living to glorify God, we would all get along.
  • We are all going to be together in heaven, let’s start getting along now.

-       We believe the same doctrine.

  • We might disagree on matters of practice, but all Christians believe the same message of the gospel.

-       We bear the same witness.

  • The church is hear to bear witness of Christ to the world.
  • One thing that keeps people from believing is the fact that Christians can’t get along with each other.
  • God did not call us to represent a denomination but to represent Christ.

-       We share the same love.

  • We are to love others as God loves us. He loves us as much as He loves His son.
  • Love is action.
  • Loving one another means treating each other as God treats us.
  • We are to forgive, bless, and encourage each other.

One day all believers are going to live together for eternity.

God’s glory in heaven is far greater than our imagination.

Start living in light of our future.

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