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Sermon Series

The Invisible World

Where the Real Battles are Lost or Won

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

Things are not what they appear to be. Behind the world of our senses—the world we see and touch—there is a spiritual universe that can only be explored by studying the Scriptures. This unseen world, inhabited by God, angels, and demons, affects us as both physical and spiritual beings. The realities of this spiritual realm are investigated through the lens of Scripture with the goal of experiencing personal transformation. It's in the invisible world where the real battles are lost or won.


Sermon 01

Living In Two Worlds

May 6, 2012

Unless we have a good vision of the invisible world while we’re living in the visible world, we’re hopeless indeed.

Sermon 03

Knowledge From The Dark Side

May 27, 2012

Satan wants this generation to believe that it’s possible to die without faith in Jesus and still have a happy experience after death.

Sermon 05

Motivated By The Invisible World

July 1, 2012

The cross of Jesus Christ and the message that it represents have always clashed with popular culture.

Sermon 06

Angels, God's Invisible Agents

July 15, 2012

Many of today’s ideas regarding angels are filled with cultural theology that is unbiblical and wrong.

Sermon 07

Jesus, The Devil And You

August 26, 2012

Satan never loses an opportunity to accuse us of things which God has already forgiven.

Sermon 08

A Glimpse Into Heaven

September 2, 2012

Jesus is going to bring us right before the face of God. We’ll see Him unmediated.

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