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First Peter

How To Live The Rest Of Your Life

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | June 18, 1978

Selected highlights from this sermon

We don’t know how long we have to live on Earth. So, how should we be living in light of that fact?

As Christians, how we live should be controlled by our hope for the future. Pastor Wiersbe calls us to have the same attitude as Jesus in relation to sin, believers, the lost, and His return so that our life on Earth can be worthwhile.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

We don’t know how long we have to live our life on Earth. 

How should we be living in light of the fact that we don’t know how much time we have?

As Christians, our lives are controlled by the future.

Spend the rest of your time making your life worthwhile.

Arm yourself with the same mind and attitude as Jesus had.

Four attitudes we should have if we are going to make the rest of our time on Earth count:

-       A militant attitude toward sin (1 Peter 4:1-3).

  • We should be in conflict with sin in our own lives.
  • We are very quick to judge the sin of others, but we should begin in our own hearts.
  • Arm yourself with an attitude ready to fight sin.
  • Are we willing to die to ourselves?
  • Sin nailed Jesus to the cross, but we still cultivate it in our lives.

-       A patient attitude toward the lost (1 Peter 4:4-6).

  • Christians are strange to the rest of the world because we have a new nature.
  • The unsaved are blind to our nature.
  • Our job is to be the witness, and it is God’s job to be the judge. Don’t switch that.

-       An expectant attitude toward the Lord (1 Peter 4:7).

  • Jesus is waiting to return to give more people opportunity to be saved.
  • Jesus’ delayed return to Earth is because He wants us to trust His promises.
  • God doesn’t have to do anything else before He returns and wraps everything up.
  • People are falling apart because they fear the future, but Christians have a hope.

-       A fervent attitude toward one another (1 Peter 4:8-11).

  • Fervent love means straining to do your best.
  • Do we ever strain to love all people?
  • Christian love means treating other people the same way God treats us.
  • Work hard and use every effort you’ve got to love God’s people.
  • Fervent love means forgiving sin, sharing in needs, and helping each other grow.
  • Show hospitality toward one another without complaining.
  • Use your gift to minister to others.
  • God will give you the strength and ability you need to serve.

If discovering you will die soon changes how you live your life, something is radically wrong with your life.

We should be living every day realizing our time is short.

Live the rest of your time as if Jesus could come back tonight.

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