Christ In The Old Testament
Saved By A Rock
Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | June 8, 1975Selected highlights from this sermon
Everyone thirsts for God, after all, He made us to thirst for Him. But people try to satisfy that thirst with things, thrills, and achievements. Only Jesus Christ can fully satisfy us, for He is the Living Water.
Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.
Our world today is facing a water crisis
The greatest thirst of all is not for water but for reality—and that reality is found in God.
Four basic truths if our lives are going to mean anything:
- All of us have thirsts that need to be satisfied
- God made us to thirst
- It’s a good thing to be hungry
- Fear is good for adrenaline in emergencies
- There’s nothing wrong with success or love
- But we have a fallen nature that can turn these thirsts the wrong way
- We cannot fully satisfy these thirsts ourselves
- Many problems come when people try and satisfy good desires in the wrong way
- People are trying to satisfy their thirst with things, thrills, and achievements
- Jesus Christ alone can fully satisfy us
- The root of our thirst is for God
- God is our rock and refuge
- Jesus knows what we are going through
- When we drink of Jesus it flows throughout all of our life
- All that we need is to be filled with the Holy Spirit
- We have something better than the cheap substitutes the world offers
- To be satisfied you have to drink
- We can be continually refreshed with the living water
- It is a river we can share with others
- In order to drink you have to get down, you have to humble yourself
- God wants you to enjoy the blessings of life and eternal life