Growing Through Conflict 1997 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Conflict is often thought of as being only negative. However, it can actually be the environment where God's faithfulness is best demonstrated to us. In this series, Pastor Lutzer shares …
A Prayer From Christ's Heart 1997 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Jesus’ crucifixion was quickly approaching, yet John records Jesus praying for us. In this four part series, Dr. Erwin Lutzer attempts to count the riches of the High Priestly prayer …
God Yes, But Why Jesus? 2003 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Throughout history, many religious leaders have misinterpreted Jesus' role in salvation history. This sermon series clears away the deception and tells you why Jesus Christ is unique among gods.
Chiseled By The Master's Hand 1992 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Just as the hand of a sculptor works gently and patiently to shape a common stone into a beautiful work of art, so God works in our lives to conform …
Till Death Do Us Part 2008 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer These messages focus on the topic of commitment in marriage, illustrating what faithfulness and integrity mean in the relationship. Because we are so easily deceived when it comes to matters …
Children of an Awesome God 2008 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer By digging into Paul’s theology in Romans 8, Pastor Lutzer helps us grasp the blessings God has for those who believe on Christ. In fact, matters such as our adoption, …
The Drama Of Redemption 2010 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together without looking at the picture on the box? These messages will help you see the big picture of the puzzle we …
Christians In Conflict 2007 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Wherever we look, conflict exists. Whether it is in our nation, our churches, or our interpersonal relationships, these messages are not only designed to help us resolve conflict but also …
How The Gospel Sets Us Free 1992 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer In Galatians, Paul writes to expose the false teachers who were trying to add to the simple message of the Gospel. He reminds believers that the gift of salvation is …
Prodigals 2007 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Through the parable of the Prodigal Son and the story of Absalom, Pastor Lutzer delineates between two types of prodigals—those who come home and those who do not. If we …
When The Spirit Has His Way 2012 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer Explore basic doctrine about the Holy Spirit that has suffered at the hands of extremists who associate the work of the Spirit with various manifestations.
Finding Community Within The Church 2002 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer We live in a world of fractured relationships. God expects that we who are a part of the community of faith should provide a safe place where caring relationships can …
The Gifts You Can't Live Without 2007 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer God created us with needs, which if unmet, lead us to aimlessness and despair. But the good news is that we can, thanks to God's grace, become whole people despite …
Nothing Else Matters 2010 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer It’s not about us, but about God! The concept behind these messages was born in Pastor Lutzer’s heart while meeting with a small group of like-minded Christian leaders to discuss …
Putting Your Past Behind You 1989 Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer People are only as sick as their darkest secrets. Healing past wounds is a process or a journey, not an event. This series discusses basic principles and true stories of …