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Work Still In Progress

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | August 17, 1975

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 4:11—12, 2 Timothy 3:14—17, Hebrews 13:7—21, 1 Peter 5:10—11

Selected highlights from this sermon

God is not finished working in the lives of the people of His church. We all need the perfecting work of Christ in our lives, which means more than fixing what is broken. Perfecting includes equipping and sustaining for longer service. As Pastor Wiersbe reminds us, God is working in us to make us better.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

A person can be saved today because of the finished, completed work of Jesus Christ.

God’s unfinished work has to do with His people, the church.

The Christian life is about God perfecting us.

Jesus wants to work in us to mend our nets, equip us, and fit us for service.

Perfecting means more than fixing what is broken. It also means carrying what you already have and making it useful longer.

We all need the perfecting work of Christ in our lives.

Three provisions Jesus makes to equip us for life and service:

  • Word of God (2 Timothy 3:14-17)
    • God has spoken. What are you doing with what He has said?
    • We must read, meditate, and memorize Scripture because the Spirit of God uses the Word of God to equip the child of God for the glory of God.
    • There is no substitute for the Word of God.
    • The Bible was given for the perfecting of the saints.
    • When you close the Bible, you close the breath of God on your life.
    • The Word of God is useful for salvation, sanctification, and service.
    • People who pay attention to Scripture become useful people.
  • Local church (Ephesians 4:11-12)
    • A preacher’s job is to equip the saints.
    • Christians cannot grow in isolation.
    • God chose the assembly of believers, the church, to be His tool.
    • There is no substitute for the fellowship of the local church.
    • Pray for the leaders that have been placed over you in the church.
    • Being part of a local church means discipline, direction, and loving care.
  • Suffering (1 Peter 5:10-11)
    • We should rejoice in suffering because we have hope in the Lord.
    • When we go through suffering Jesus is equipping, stretching, settling, and growing
    • God gives us grace in suffering because He has called us to His eternal glory.

Don’t get discouraged with yourself; God’s not done with you yet.

Don’t be too critical of other people; God is still working in them.

God is working in us to make us better.

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