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Where Are You Going For Christmas?

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | December 21, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

At the first Christmas, everyone went to Bethlehem. But why? When we look at the events that happened in Bethlehem, we can learn more about why Jesus was born there and what that means for us. Are you looking for Jesus this Christmas?

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

At the first Christmas, everyone went to Bethlehem.

Christmas was meant to be a time of involvement.

Jesus came to Earth to get involved with mankind.

Events in Bethlehem explain why Jesus was born there.

At Bethlehem we come to grips with reality.

  • Bethlehem is a place of heartache and heart break (Genesis 35:16-20).
    • Rachel died when she gave birth to her son Benjamin in Bethlehem.
    • No one has known as much sorrow as Jesus.
    • Jesus’ birth caused the death of little boys throughout Bethlehem.
    • Jesus can sympathize with us in our heartache.
  • Bethlehem is a place of hunger (Ruth 1).
    • The world today faces a spiritual hunger.
    • Jesus is the Bread of Life, the only One who can satisfy our hunger.
    • We cannot live on substitutes for Jesus.
  • Bethlehem is a place of happiness (Ruth).
    • Ruth stayed in Bethlehem and found her husband, Boaz.
    • Boaz is a picture of Jesus, our Redeemer.
    • Jesus gives us abiding joy when we believe in Him.
  • Bethlehem is a place of heroism (2 Samuel 23:14-16).
    • Jesus is the Living Water.
  • Bethlehem is a place of hope (Micah 5:2).
    • Micah lived in a time of political unrest.
    • What are you hoping in today?
    • Jesus brings eternal

We can meet Jesus in Bethlehem by going through Calvary.

Jesus is the only one who brings hope of an abundant and eternal life.

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