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What Will Happen At The Judgment Seat Of Christ?

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | January 30, 1977

Selected highlights from this sermon

One day everyone will face the judgment seat of Christ—believers and unbelievers alike. In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul encourages Christians to live in light of our eventual judgment.

Pastor Wiersbe walks us through what the experience will be like and reminds us that now is the time to prepare for this future court date before the Almighty.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Everyone will one day be at the judgment seat of Christ.

People do not want to be held accountable for their actions.

We must live in light of our eventual judgment before Christ.

What kind of experience will the judgment seat of Christ be?

Four characteristics of the judgment seat of Christ that should motivate us to live the kind of life God wants us to live:

  • It will be an experience of revelation.
    • There are no masks or pretending at the judgment seat.
    • We will be revealed as we really are before the holiness of God.
    • No amount of pretending can hide anything from God.
    • God will reveal the motives of our heart and the quality of our work.
    • Start being honest with each other and honest with God.
  • It will be an experience of reckoning.
    • If we spent more time judging ourselves rather than others, we would be more prepared for the judgment of Christ.
    • We will give an account as stewards of our faithfulness.
    • Are we faithful to God’s will for our lives?
    • We will be judged as runners.
    • Because Jesus is our judge, the important thing is to please Him not man.
  • It will be an experience of reward.
    • We will receive whatever we have earned from the lives that we live.
    • God gives rewards in heaven as motivation to live well on Earth.
    • There are crowns of discipline, joy, witness, righteousness, trials, and life.
    • Only Jesus deserves these rewards but He shares them with us according to our earnings.
  • It will be an experience of rejoicing.
    • The purpose of the judgment seat of Christ is not for misery, but to beautify the bride of Christ.

Now is the time to prepare for the judgment seat of Christ.

Is there anything in your life that would embarrass you before Christ?

Tell us why you valued this sermon.
