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What He Puts Up With

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | May 7, 1978

Selected highlights from this sermon

Culture tells us to have a “me first” mentality, but Jesus taught us to love and put others first. We are to deny ourselves and focus on others because love always says, “you first.”

Pastor Wiersbe encourages us to be strengthened in who we are in Christ and to remember that if Jesus had put Himself first, He would have never left heaven to die for us.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Purpose of this message is meant to be an encouragement to see what each of us can be in Christ.

Three deficiencies in the lives of believers:

  • Lack of power
    • Jesus grants us power and authority over Satan in faith.
    • Jesus has power above all else.
    • The disciples lost their power because of unbelief, lack of prayer, and lack of self-denial.
  • Lack of love
    • We are born selfish; you can’t manufacture love.
    • We tend to criticize other people for the things we are failing at ourselves.
    • The Jews did not want to love anyone outside of their community.
    • We have a “me first” mentality. This is terrible theology.
    • If Jesus had said “me first” He never would have left heaven to die for us.
    • Love always says “you first.”
  • Lack of discipline and discipleship
    • We are called to deny ourselves and follow Christ wherever He leads.
    • God doesn’t want just our money and talent. He wants us to give Him ourselves.
    • It costs something to follows Jesus. It cost Him everything.

For all of our deficiencies, we have Jesus’ sufficiency and the Holy Spirit’s efficiency.

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