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Victory In The Valley

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | August 15, 1976

Scripture Reference: Exodus 17:8—16, Deuteronomy 25:17—19, Song of Songs 2:4, Romans 8:37

Selected highlights from this sermon

Christians are in a battle that we must all take seriously: we are fighting the devil, the world, and the flesh. And we all weary from life’s daily struggles whether big or small. But because of His great love for us, God provides help with the resources we need to get through each day and each fight. Pastor Wiersbe walks us through these four essentials for fighting the battles of life.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

“In war, there is no substitute for victory” (General Douglas MacArthur).

Christians, too, are at battle, and there is no substitute for victory.

We are not always victorious in every area, but Jesus is.

Four essentials for victory in the Christian life:

  • We must know our enemy.
    • Christians have three enemies: the world, the devil, and the flesh.
    • Egypt was a picture of the world, Pharaoh was a picture of Satan, and Amalek was a picture of the flesh.
    • We should live for the future to satisfy the Spirit.
    • Until we have a new nature and the Holy Spirit, we don’t realize how bad our flesh is.
  • We must know our enemy’s strategy.
    • That which we do not conquer will ultimately conquer us.
    • The enemy attacks suddenly, where we are the weakest, and when we are self-confident.
    • Battles often come immediately after blessings.
    • We must always be alert against the enemy.
  • We must determine to fight.
    • When you are seeking to follow the Lord and win others to Christ, the devil will attack.
    • We must continue fighting our sinful nature until we get to heaven.
    • God works in and through us to help us fight temptation.
  • We must depend on the divine resources God has given us.
    • God gave the Israelites manna, water, the sword, and the rod.
    • The manna God gives us is Jesus, the Bread of Life.
    • The water God gives us is the power of the Holy Spirit to meet our needs through faith.
    • The sword God gives us is His Word.
    • The rod God gives us is the power of the prayer.
    • Believers have access to the power of the throne of God.
    • All believers grow weary fighting the battles of life, so we must rely on the resources of God and hold one another up in prayer.

God helps us conquer our battle through His love.

As we face the battles of life, we must depend on the resources of the Lord.

We fight our battles from a place of victory in Christ.

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