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Three Cheers

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | September 30, 1973
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Scripture Reference: Isaiah 42:1—4, Matthew 9:1—8, Matthew 9:18—22, Matthew 14:22—27

Selected highlights from this sermon

We all have days when we need encouragement, and who better is there to encourage us than Jesus Christ? When we struggle with sin, or being put through the trials of life, we can be heartened by our hope in Jesus. After all, He has already overcome the world.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

We all have days when we need encouragement.

If Jesus could go through all that He faced in life without being discouraged, surely, He can help us.

Jesus Christ is the great encourager.

Christians should not get discouraged because we have an eternal hope.

Discouragement leads to self-pity, and self-pity opens the door for the devil.

Three encouragements we have because of Jesus Christ:

  • When you are discouraged by your sin, lay hold of the encouragement of His pardon.
    • When we are tempted to sin, it begins with pleasure but leads to pain.
    • Jesus healed and forgave a man who was paralyzed because of his sin.
    • Whenever Jesus healed someone’s body it was an illustration of what He does for our souls.
    • Jesus healed and forgave because of people’s faith.
    • Jesus can remove our sins from us as far as the east is from the west.
    • If Jesus has taken care of our greatest need—forgiveness of sins—won’t He take care of everything else?
  • When you are discouraged by your secret needs, lay hold of the encouragement of His power.
    • Jesus healed a woman who had been physically, mentally, and spiritually discouraged for twelve years.
    • When we take our needs to Jesus, He gives us peace.
  • When you are discouraged by the storms of life, lay hold of the encouragement of His presence.
    • There are storms that can come because of obedience and others due to disobedience.
    • God balances great days of joy with days of testing so that we might grow.
    • Jesus can meet us wherever we are.
    • Jesus brings blessing in the storm.
    • The storm that frightened the disciples is the same storm that Jesus walked through to get to them.
    • Jesus stands with us and strengthens

Because of Jesus’ encouragement, we can face life and glorify God.

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