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The best word to describe the Christian faith is life—life in Jesus Christ, the risen, triumphant, reigning Son of God. But there are people all around us that do not have this everlasting life. Pastor Wiersbe shares three reasons everyone should accept and share life in Christ—the holiest life possible.
Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.
The best word to describe the Christian faith is life.
We have life in Jesus Christ, the risen, triumphant, reigning Son of God.
Jesus is our life.
People all around us do not have everlasting life.
People don’t want hell, death, and condemnation, but they don’t understand the Christian life.
When Paul discovered eternal life, he wanted to share it with others.
Three reasons we should receive resurrection life by believing in Jesus:
It cost Jesus His life to give us eternal life.
Resurrection life can be yours today if you will simply come to Jesus.