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The Root And The Fruit

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | April 11, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

In Mark 11, we read that Jesus found a fig tree that didn’t produce any fruit. This represented Israel not turning to the Lord. As Pastor Wiersbe examines this passage, he points out four facts that apply to us as individuals and to the church collectively.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Jesus had just entered Jerusalem as King.

The cleansing of the temple and the cursing of the fig tree are illustrations of Israel.

Israel had polluted the temple by hiding their sin behind their religion.

Israel was like a fig tree that did not produce any fruit.

When we read the New Testament, we are very prone to applying all the curses to Israel and the blessings to the church.

Christians today are closer to God than Israel.

The cursing of the fig tree applies to us as individuals and to the church collectively.

Four vital facts the fig tree teaches us about our lives.

  • An opportunity: We can produce fruit for the Lord.
    • The fig tree was good for two things: shade and fruit.
    • The tree could have satisfied the need of Jesus when He was hungry.
    • Jesus was also hungry for the salvation of Israel.
    • Jesus was disappointed by the lack of fruit in the nation of Israel.
    • The church has the opportunity to bear fruit and win people to Christ.
  • A mystery: If we don’t produce fruit something is wrong.
    • Fig trees produce fruit before leaves, but this tree had leaves but no fruit.
    • Jesus does not accept substitutes for fruit.
    • When a Christian ceases to produce fruit, the problem is in the roots.
    • The most important part of our lives is the part only God sees.
  • A tragedy: Jesus cursed the tree for not producing fruit.
    • The tree didn’t dry up all of a sudden. It dried up slowly from the roots.
  • A remedy: We must produce fruit, or the tree will be taken out.
    • The owner wanted the fig tree to be cut down, but the gardener asked for one more year to tend to the roots.
    • Christians should be rooted in prayer, faith, love, and the Word.
    • Where are your roots?
    • If our roots dry up, we lose the joy of fruitfulness.

The church family is a tree that stands and produces fruit for Christ.

Let Jesus work on the roots of your life so you may bear fruit.

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