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The Other Letter To Ephesus

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | May 23, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

The church in Ephesus lost its first love and didn’t even know it. Is it possible that we too have turned away from our first love, Jesus Christ? As Pastor Wiersbe teaches us in this message, in order to live in the blessing of first love with God, we must first understand what it is, what it does, how it can be lost, and how to restore it.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians emphasizes the heights of Christianity, but Revelation focuses on how far the church at Ephesus had fallen.

All of Asia eventually heard the Word of God through the Ephesian church.

The church in Ephesus lost its first love and didn’t even know it.

Is it possible we have turned away from our first love?

Four truths to help us maintain our first love experience with the Lord Jesus:

  • We must understand what first love is.
    • “First love” is the initial honeymoon burst and excitement of love found in newlyweds.
    • In first love you appreciate the little things and are always thinking of each other when you’re separate.
    • Love begins with the mental gathering of information that moves to the heart.
    • The relationship isn’t official until you say “I do.” Similarly, we can know a lot about God before we truly have a relationship with Him.
    • You can’t manufacture love for Christ, it is a gift because He first loved us.
  • We must understand what first love does.
    • Love makes for a happy home, not the law.
    • Paul used love as the motive for the Christian life.
    • We cannot love the Father and hate His children.
    • A married couple would rather have each other than gifts. God wants all of our heart.
    • It is possible to serve and not love, but it is impossible to love and not serve.
    • Our first love motivates and gives value to all of our service.
  • We must understand that first love can be left.
    • We often abandon our love of the Gospel in dry spiritual seasons.
    • If we neglect our personal fellowship with God, we drift from our first love resulting in emotional divorce.
    • Satan would love to lead us away from our first love experience with God.
    • When we lose our first love, we are in danger of losing our testimony.
  • We must understand that first love can be restored.
    • When your heart starts to get cold remember who Jesus is and what He has done for you.
    • During a busy day just pause and remember the Lord and His love.
    • It is a sin not to love the Lord Jesus. Repent.
    • Repeat the first works, the little memories, to regain the first love.

Let God cleanse and love you back to your first love.

Live in the blessing of your first love.

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