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The Most Wonderful Day In The Year

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | August 8, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

Everything that involves atonement originates in Leviticus 16. The Jewish people had to offer sacrifices for their sins once a year—the Day of Atonement. This Day of Atonement is a picture of our salvation. If we understand the different appointments for the Day of Atonement, we can better understand our own salvation.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Leviticus is part of the foundation for the rest of the Bible.

Everything that involves atonement originates in Leviticus 16.

The Jewish people had the Day of Atonement once a year to offer sacrifices for their sins.

It can be easy to take the gift of our salvation for granted.

If we understand the appointments for the Day of Atonement, we can better understand our salvation.

  • An appointed purpose: atonement.
    • Atonement means to cover, not take away.
    • The blood of the sacrifices covered the Israelites sin.
    • When sin is taken care of, there is a reconciliation between God and His people.
    • God still wants to deal with sin, and He did so at the cross.
  • An appointed time: once a year.
    • The Day of Atonement was the 10th day of the seventh month.
    • There was an appointed time for Jesus to come to Earth and to die.
  • An appointed place: the tabernacle.
    • God’s appointed place for our salvation is the cross of Jesus.
    • Jesus is our sacrifice, and He is our mercy seat.
  • An appointed person: the high priest.
    • Jesus laid aside His beauty and glory to become a human servant and die for us.
    • The priest could have no help in the ceremony of atonement. Similarly, only Jesus Christ alone can save us.
  • An appointed price: blood.
    • The life of the flesh is in the blood.
    • Israel had to sacrifice an animal and pour out the blood on the Law.
    • We are saved by the blood of the crucified
    • The blood of animals cannot take away human sin.
  • An appointed procedure: sacrifice.
    • God told the high priest what he must do on the Day of Atonement.
    • The first thing the priest did was establish the glory of God.
    • The sacrifice only covered Israel’s sins, but Jesus’ sacrifice takes away our sin.
    • When we trust Jesus to forgive our sins, they are gone completely, immediately, and eternally.
  • An appointed response: repentance and faith.
    • We know that when we repent, we will be forgiven because God’s Word says so.
    • When we repent and believe, we will have joy.

What is your response to sin and salvation?

The Day of Atonement has been completely fulfilled in Christ.

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