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The Miracle Message

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | April 18, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

Pastor Wiersbe defines a miracle as “an act of God that cannot be explained or duplicated by man.” In this message we will learn about the miracle of Christ’s resurrection and what it reveals about God.

Christ invites us to be part of the miracle that He has provided for us.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

1 Corinthians 15 focuses on the resurrection.

A miracle is an act of God that cannot be explained or duplicated by man.

Miracles reveal something about God.

The Gospel is a miracle message.

Three striking and personal miracles involved in the Gospel:

  • Christ dying on the cross
    • The two thieves crucified with Christ died as a result of their own sins, but Jesus died as a result of our
    • Christ died for our sins.
    • “For” means “in place of” or “on behalf of”
    • Christ dying on the cross is the miracle of substitution.
    • When Jesus died, God’s law was satisfied, His love was magnified, and the world was reconciled.
  • Christ rising from the dead
    • The resurrection is the key to the Gospel.
    • Being saved means believing in your heart, not just accepting an intellectual fact.
    • The enemy has been planting lies to keep people from believing the resurrection.
  • Christ entering into our lives
    • When you experience the grace of God, you receive all that God wants you to receive, and become all that God wants you to become.
    • The Gospel is not just a proclamation, it is an invitation to be part of a miracle.

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