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The Man Behind The Scenes

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | April 11, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

When Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, He was not demeaning Himself. In fact, it was a sign of His kingship. The men who gave Jesus the donkey were not only fulfilling God’s divine will, they believed that Jesus was the King. They also set an example we should follow in serving Jesus, too.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Jesus was not demeaning Himself by riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, it was a sign of His kingship.

The colt was a noble animal.

Characteristics of the act of sharing the donkey with Jesus.

  • Act of coronation
    • The men giving Jesus the donkey believed Jesus was the King.
    • The people were shouting “Hosanna,” meaning “save us!”
    • Every step of Jesus’ journey was fulfillment of God’s divine will.
    • All of the kingdoms joined in praising
  • Act of condemnation
    • Jesus had all power, but He rode in meekness and sorrow.
    • God came down to visit His people, and they rejected Him.
    • Everything in the universe obeyed the Lord except His own people.
    • If an animal is smart enough to bow before its maker, how much more should we who are made in the image of God?
  • Act of consecration
    • The men recognized the Lordship of Jesus over their possessions.
    • God has ordained that we, as insignificant human beings, become significant by helping Him to meet His needs.
    • The men gave humbly, willingly, immediately, and trustingly.
    • Whatever you give to Jesus you get back better.

The seemingly insignificant act of giving the colt to Jesus had great and lasting effects for God’s kingdom.

Jesus gave His all, and in light of that, we have no excuse.

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