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The Gifts That Last

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | December 19, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

Not only does God offer us salvation from sin, He loves us so much that He offers us other gifts, too. God offers us the gift of eternal life, He gives us the Bible for assurance, and He gives us eternal glory. We can receive all of these gifts through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

The gifts that God gives last for eternity.

Three wonderful gifts God want everyone to receive:

  • Gift of eternal life
    • Eternal life is an intimate relationship with God.
    • God offers us an abundant life of joy and fullness.
    • We can have the gift of eternal life only because of the authority of Jesus.
    • Eternal life comes through salvation.
  • Gift of God’s Word
    • God shares His heart and will with us through His Word.
    • God’s Word is the nourishment, wisdom, and weapon for our lives.
    • The Bible gives us assurance.
    • The Bible aids in our sanctification.
  • Gift of glory
    • God’s glory is the total of all of God’s attributes.
    • Man, on his own, doesn’t have any glory, but God gives us His glory in Christ.
    • We must choose between man’s glory that fades away and God’s eternal glory.

We can have all of these gifts through Jesus in faith.

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