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The Facts Of Eternal Life

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | August 15, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

When Nicodemus questioned Jesus about salvation, Jesus told him he must be born again. Like Nicodemus, many ask what it means to be “born again.”

Pastor Wiersbe explains how a new, second birth leads to salvation. He also points out that if you are born once you will die twice—physically and spiritually. But if you’re born twice you only die once.

When we are born into God’s family through faith in Christ alone, we receive everything we need for life.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Six reasons why Jesus used birth to illustrate the miracle of salvation:

  • Birth is a universal
    • Birth is something everyone can identify with personally.
    • God wants everyone to know how to be saved.
  • Birth involves life.
    • Humans are the highest of the created kingdoms.
    • We cannot lift ourselves up into God’s kingdom, but God can lift lower kingdoms up.
    • Jesus made Himself human that He might lift us up into the divine kingdom.
    • Babies receive life from their parents, they can’t get life on their own.
    • When we are born into God’s kingdom we can experience divine, eternal
  • Birth requires two parents.
    • The Spirit of God takes the Word of God and generates faith in the hearts of sinners.
    • The Spirit and the Word are the two spiritual parents of regeneration.
    • A Christian is someone who has God’s nature inside and desires things that are godly.
  • Birth involves travail
    • Jesus travailed that He might offer us salvation.
    • Sinners must travail and be convicted of their sins.
  • Birth involves a future.
    • A newborn baby has no past, it’s all future.
    • When we are born into God’s family, we are accepted by God regardless of our past.
    • We are born again to a living hope.
  • Birth is final.
    • Nothing can remove us from God’s family once we are born into it.
    • When we are born into God’s family, we receive everything we need for life.

Being born again is not a luxury. It is a necessity.

If you are born once you will die twice—physically and spiritually. But if you’re born twice you can only die once.

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