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The Born Winner

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | August 29, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

Some people question whether or not they are truly saved. But we can have assurance of our salvation. If you are truly born again, there are certain characteristics that mark you as a Christian. In this message, Pastor Wiersbe shows us the birthmarks of a believer.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

It is possible for a person to know for sure they are saved.

If you are born again there are certain characteristics that mark you as a Christian.

We were first born spiritually dead.

Four characteristics of the children of God that give us assurance of salvation:

  • A person who is born of God is born to love.
    • Each member of the Trinity demonstrates love.
    • When we are born into God’s family, we receive His nature of love.
    • We love because of who God is, what He has done, and what He is doing in us.
  • A person who is born of God is born to victory over the world.
    • We were first born as slaves to the world, but when we are born again, the world no longer has control on us.
    • The world wants to rob us of God’s love, keep us from doing God’s will, and make God’s commandments burdensome.
    • When you walk by faith you overcome the world.
    • Believers do not live by or for the world.
  • A person who is born of God is born to victory over sin.
    • A Christian is not sinless, but they sin less.
    • A true child of God has no desire to play with the devil.
  • A person who is born of God is born to victory over Satan.
    • Believers have victory over Satan through Jesus Christ.

Do you possess these birthmarks of a believer?

The true Christian life is characterized by love and victory.

Tell us why you valued this sermon.
