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The Blessed Life

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | May 13, 1990

Selected highlights from this sermon

The secret of keeping your life flowing and being a blessing to others is found Psalm 1. Pastor Wiersbe explains that those who trust Christ as their Savior are seen in the first half of Psalm 1, but those who reject Jesus are described in the second half. We must seek to become more like Jesus to receive God’s blessing.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

We must live to be a blessing, not to get a blessing.

The greatest blessing in the Christian life is being an answer to prayer and sharing something from the Lord.

The secret of keeping your life flowing and being a blessing to others is found Psalm 1.

In God’s eyes there are only two types of people: those who will be blessed and those who will be judged.

Those who trust Christ as their Savior live in the first half of Psalm 1, but those who reject Jesus live in the second half.

Three conditions for having a life blessed by God:

  • We must be separated from the world.
    • Separation is contact without contamination.
    • Anything in our lives that robs us form the enjoy of God’s love and obedience to His Word is worldly.
  • We must be saturated in the Word.
    • The way we treat our Bible is the way we treat God.
    • Do we desire God’s Word more than anything else?
    • Set aside time every day to spend in Scripture.
  • We must be situated by the waters.
    • The water of God’s Word and Spirit fuels our roots.
    • The most important part of our life is the part only God sees.

God blesses the people who are most like the Lord Jesus.

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