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Thanksgiving In The Highest

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | November 23, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

Even in a life filled with so many blessings, God still has to command us to be thankful. Why? Because everyone is born selfish and sinful. By looking at Luke 10, Pastor Wiersbe gives us four levels of thankfulness to help us mature in our love and fellowship with God and others.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Paul often encouraged the churches to always be thankful.

In a life filled with so many blessings, God still has to command us to be thankful.

We must learn to be thankful.

Everyone is born selfish and sinful, not thankful.

The best way to overcome selfishness, in the power of the Holy Spirit, is growing in our gratitude.

Which level of thanksgiving are you living in?

Four levels of thanksgiving:

  • Being thankful for what God gives us (Luke 10:1-8).
    • God has given us Christian friends to do life with.
    • We are thankful for God’s protection and provision (food, jobs, and a place to live).
    • But God gives these gifts to unbelievers too.
  • Being thankful for what God does through us (Luke 10:9-19).
    • We can be the cause of thanks in other people’s lives.
    • We don’t need an office to have a ministry to glorify God.
    • When we receive with thanksgiving we should also share with others.
    • We will reap exactly what we sow. What have you sown?
    • Our responsibility as ambassadors is to share God’s peace and Good News with the world.
  • Being thankful for what God does for and in us (Luke 10:20).
    • Our names are written in heaven for all eternity.
    • Because Jesus died for us, we have all blessings from Him.
    • God makes us citizens of heaven.
  • Being thankful for what God is to us.
    • Don’t get so caught up in the gifts and blessings that we forget the Giver.
    • This life will come and go, but the Lord will never change.
    • Because God is our Father, we don’t need to be afraid or worried because He will take care of our needs.
    • Our Father who is Lord has a plan for our lives.
    • Our God is a God of love.
    • All things are working together for good in the sight of God.
    • God reveals His Word to us that we may know all of these things.

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